Direct Negotiations - March Madness!
Direct Negotiations – March Madness!
Game on: Your Negotiating Committee just finished up a week of direct negotiations with management’s team – first matchup of the season. So here’s the game recap:
Stretching and Warm-Ups: The committee first met to discuss “housekeeping” items, things that need to be addressed to create a clean slate. These things can include grievance settlements, fixing typos, and other mundane tasks. The Company raised the issue of incorporating current technology in communications for corresponding with both Flight Attendants and the AFA. Our Contract has several references to FAX, telegram, and S.I.T.A. which needed to be updated. After all, when was the last
time you sent a telegram to In Flight?
Tip Off, Reserve Discussions: We said to management transparency, consistency, and flexibility were our main concerns. The two sides engaged in a very involved conversation about the Reserve Section of our contract. Not surprisingly, each team approached the Reserve discussion from very different perspectives. It became clear that this is a complex issue that will require a great deal of thought and consideration.
Time Out: In the meantime, your AFA Committee will be researching current reserve issues as well as looking at how reserves are handled at other airlines. Our objective is to put in place a strong game plan. The next bargaining session is scheduled for the week of April 3, 2017.
If you have any thoughts or ideas regarding Reserves that you didn’t get a chance to share with us in the contract survey, please feel free to contact us at
Mahalo from the Negotiating Committee,
Sharon Soper, Diana Huihui, Ka'imi Lee, Martin Gusman, Jeff Fuke and
Paula Mastrangelo, AFA Senior Staff Negotiator